⭐ *_Parts of Speech_* ⭐

*Different parts of speech are as follows:*

*1. Noun**2. Adjective**3. Pronoun**4. Verb**5. Adverb**6. Conjunction**7. Preposition**8. Interjection*

⭐ *Noun : Name of any animal, place or thing is known as a Noun.*1. Anand, Suman, Delhi, India etc are *Proper Nouns :* they are names of particular persons or things.2. Boy, girl, city, country etc are *Common Nouns* : they are names given in common to persons or things.3. Army, crowd, fleet, herd, bunch etc are *Collective Nouns* : they are names of groups of persons or things.4. Kindness, darkness, honesty, laughter childhood etc. are *Abstract Nouns* : they are names of qualities, actions5. Book, pen, pencil, boy, apple, horse etc. are *Countable Nouns* : they can be counted.6. Sugar, milk, sand, water etc. are *Uncountable Nouns* : they cannot be counted.⭐ *Adjective : A word which is used to describe a noun or a pronoun is known as an Adjective.*1. Large, intelligent, kind etc. are *Adjectives of quality* : they show the quality or kind of a noun or a pronoun.2. Some, all, little, no etc are *Adjectives of quantity* : they were show the quantity of a noun or pronoun.3. One, two, three, four etc are *Definite Numeral Adjectives (cardinals)* : they tell us the exact number of a noun or pronoun.4. First, second, third, fourth etc. are *Definite Numeral Adjectives (Ordinals)* : they show the rank or position of a noun or a pronoun.5. All, no, many, few, some are *Indefinite Numerical Adjectives* : they do not tell us the exact number of a noun or pronoun.6. Every, each, either, neither etc. are *Distributive Numeral Adjectives* : they refer to each one of a number of nouns.7. This, these, that, those etc. are *Demonstrative Adjectives* : they point out which person or thing is meant.8. What, which, whose etc. are *Interrogative Adjectives* : they are used with nouns or pronouns to ask questions.⭐ *Pronoun : A word which is used instead of a noun is known as a Pronoun.*1. I, you, we, they, he, she, it. These are called *Personal Pronouns.*2. My, mine, our, ours, his, her, hers, and it's are called *Possessive Pronouns.*3. Me, us, him, her are called *Accusative Pronouns.*4. Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves and themselves are called *Reflexive Pronouns or Emphatic Pronouns.*5. This, that, these, those are called *Demonstrative Pronouns.*6. Somebody, nobody, everybody, some, none, few are called *Indefinite Pronouns.*7. Each, either, neither are called *Distributive Pronouns.*8. Who, whose, whom, which, what are called *Interrogative Pronouns.*⭐ *Verb : Doing words are known as Verbs.*Verbs tell us1. Rohan plays : what a person does.2. Rohan is taught : what is done to a person.3. Pen is new : what a person or thing is.*The boy eats an apple: Transitive Verb 'eats' because the action passes over from the subject 'boy' to object 'apple'.**_The boy laughs loudly :Intransitive Verb 'laughs' because the action does not pass over to any object._*⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  🖊 *_Sandip Sonar_*
      *_Jamner (Jalgaon)_*

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