Noun. नाम. We Learn English Grammar.


♦️ Noun ( नाम )

We Learn English Grammar

⏲️ या घटकावरिल Online Test सोडविण्यासाठी 👈 येथे क्लिक करा.

A name that is given to a person, animal, place, and thing is called as a Noun.

एखादे नाव, व्यक्ती, प्राणी, ठिकाण आणि वस्तू यांना नाम म्हणून संबोधले जाते.

Nouns can be divided into two main classes- Concrete and Abstract 

♦️(A). Concrete Nouns - These are names of persons or things that we can touch and see. They exist physically or materially and such nouns are called Concrete Nouns. 

( ही व्यक्ती किंवा नावे अशी आहेत की आपण स्पर्श करू शकतो आणि पाहू शकतो. त्या शारीरिक किंवा भौतिकदृष्ट्या अस्तित्वात आहेत. )

🔹Concrete Nouns are subdivided into four types 

 1. Proper Nouns 

2. Common Nouns 

3. Collective Nouns 

4. Material Nouns

🔻1. Proper Nouns -  They are names of persons, places, or things. Proper Noun begins with a capital letter. 

For e.g. - Ram, Krishna, Ramakant, Pune, Mumbai, India, Ganga, Raigad, Sahyadri etc.

🔹Ashoka was a wise king.

 The noun Ashoka refers to a particular king, but the noun king might be applied to any other king as well as to Ashoka. So we call Ashoka proper noun and king a common noun.

🔻2. Common Nouns  - They are names that can be applied to any one of the class of persons, places, or things. 

For e.g. - boy, girl, king, town, country, book, river, animal, mountain, tree, chair etc.

🔹Puja is a good girl.

 Here Puja is a proper noun while girl is a common noun.

🔻3. Collective Nouns - They are the names of group of persons or objects of the same kind, considered as a single whole.

 For e.g. - a crowd of people, a team of players, a fleet of ships, a herd of cattle, a flock of birds, a squadron of aeroplanes etc.

🔹Here are some more collective nouns: -

a bunch of keys

a class of pupils

a collection of books

a deck of cards 

a fleet of ships

a flock of sheep

a gaggle of geese

a gang of robbers

a herd of cattle 

a litter of cubs

a pod of whales 

a pack of wolves

a pride of lions 

a set of stamps

a swarm of bees

a troupe of actors

🔻4. Material Nouns - They are names of materials or substances out of which things are made.

 For e.g. - gold, silver, platinum, clay, stone, wood, cotton, iron, wool etc. 

♦️(B). Abstract Nouns - They are names of things that we cannot see or touch i.e. they have no physical existence, 

For e.g. - goodness, kindness, honesty, wisdom, bravery, patience, beauty, death, youth, pleasure, flight, logic, laughter, judgement, childhood, boyhood, etc.

( त्या अशा गोष्टींची नावे आहेत जी आपल्याला दिसत नाहीत किंवा स्पर्श करू शकत नाहीत म्हणजे त्यांचे भौतिक अस्तित्व नाही. , उदाहरणार्थ - चांगुलपणा, दयाळूपणा, प्रामाणिकपणा, शहाणपणा, शौर्य, संयम, सौंदर्य, मृत्यू, तारुण्य इ. )

♦️ Masculine and Feminine Noun - ( पुल्लिंग आणि स्त्रीलिंग नाम )

🔻Masculine nouns are words for men and boys, and male animals. 

🔻Feminine nouns are words for women and girls, and female animals.

🔹Here are some more masculine and feminine nouns for people.

actor - actress

brother - sister

emperor - empress

father - mother

gentleman - lady

grandfather - grandmother

grandson - granddaughter

headmaster - headmistress

man - woman

master - mistress

nephew - niece

prince - princess

son - daughter

steward - stewardess

uncle - aunt

♦️Exercise 1 👈✍️

Find the common nouns in these sentences.

1) There’s a little bird in the garden.

2) Who is your teacher?

3) Don’t eat that rotten apple.

4) Roli has a lovely doll.

 5) I like reading stories.

 6) My father is a teacher.

 7)  Every child has a dictionary.

 8)  Rahul hates grapes.

 9) The phone is ringing.

10)  Here’s a book for you.

♦️ Exercise 2 👈✍️

Find proper nouns in the following sentences.

1) May is often the hottest month in summer.

2) One day Ali Baba saw the forty thieves hiding in a cave.

3) Ramu and Sahil are going to the river for a swim.

4)  Mr. Deshpande is reading a book.

 5) “I am your fairy godmother,” said the old woman to Cinderella. 

 6)  Next Tuesday is a public holiday.

 7)  Many children enjoyed the movie Mogali.


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